Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Assist Head Coach with daily operations, ensure academic success, develop training programs, recruit athletes, coordinate competitions, and promote student-athlete welfare for successful football program.
DII PSAC Football PT
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Assist Head Coach with daily operations, ensure academic success, develop training programs, recruit athletes, coordinate competitions, and promote student-athlete welfare for successful football program.
DII PSAC Football PT
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Assist head coach in developing, planning, and implementing the football program. Requires NCAA coaching experience, leadership skills, and commitment to diversity and recruitment.
DII PSAC Football 2 Yrs Exp
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Assist head coach in developing, planning, and implementing the football program. Requires NCAA coaching experience, leadership skills, and commitment to diversity and recruitment.
DII PSAC Football 2 Yrs Exp
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Assist Head Coach with operations, offensive game planning, recruiting, coaching offensive unit, video editing, performance grading, maintaining athlete records, and NCAA compliance.
DII PSAC Football 2 Yrs Exp
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Assist Head Coach with operations, offensive game planning, recruiting, coaching offensive unit, video editing, performance grading, maintaining athlete records, and NCAA compliance.
DII PSAC Football 2 Yrs Exp
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Design, implement strength programs for 19 sports. Ensure safety, test athletes, maintain records. Requires CSCS/SCCC, first aid/CPR, NCAA rules knowledge, excellent communication, valid driver’s license.
DII PSAC Facilities/Event Ops/Equip Sports Medicine Football
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Design, implement strength programs for 19 sports. Ensure safety, test athletes, maintain records. Requires CSCS/SCCC, first aid/CPR, NCAA rules knowledge, excellent communication, valid driver’s license.
DII PSAC Facilities/Event Ops/Equip Sports Medicine Football
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Assist Head Coach with daily operations, recruit student-athletes, develop training programs, ensure compliance, monitor academic performance, and coach defensive skill positions. Collegiate experience required.
DII PSAC Football PT
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Assist Head Coach with daily operations, recruit student-athletes, develop training programs, ensure compliance, monitor academic performance, and coach defensive skill positions. Collegiate experience required.
DII PSAC Football PT
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Assist head coach in developing offensive strategies, coaching offensive line, recruiting student-athletes, maintaining team equipment, and ensuring NCAA compliance.
DII PSAC Football
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Assist head coach in developing offensive strategies, coaching offensive line, recruiting student-athletes, maintaining team equipment, and ensuring NCAA compliance.
DII PSAC Football
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Coach offensive line, develop game plans, video editing, monitor student-athlete academics/social media, NCAA DII rules compliance, recruiting, equipment inventory management, fundraising.
DII PSAC Football
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Coach offensive line, develop game plans, video editing, monitor student-athlete academics/social media, NCAA DII rules compliance, recruiting, equipment inventory management, fundraising.
DII PSAC Football
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Assist head coach, develop offensive game plans, coach position group, video editing, grade performance, monitor student-athlete academics, recruit, retain, comply with NCAA rules.
DII PSAC Football PT
Millersville University of Pennsylvania Millersville, PA Assist head coach, develop offensive game plans, coach position group, video editing, grade performance, monitor student-athlete academics, recruit, retain, comply with NCAA rules.
DII PSAC Football PT
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